The Steam Engine of the 21st Century

The Steam Engine of the 21st Century

Recognize Faces in Video with Pentaho (ML in Action)

Recognize Faces in Video with Pentaho (ML in Action)

Real-Time Kafka / MapR Streams Data Ingestion into HBase / MapR-DB via PySpark

Real-Time Kafka / MapR Streams Data Ingestion into HBase / MapR-DB via PySpark

Perfecting Lambda Architecture with Oracle Data Integrator (and Kafka / MapR Streams)

Perfecting Lambda Architecture with Oracle Data Integrator (and Kafka / MapR Streams)

Capitalizing on IoT using Oracle Stream Analytics – Oil&Gas In Action!

Capitalizing on IoT using Oracle Stream Analytics – Oil&Gas In Action!

Analyzing The World Factbook by CIA

Analyzing The World Factbook by CIA

Hacker News Data Analysis using Python

Hacker News Data Analysis using Python

US Public Schools Civil Rights Data Analysis using Python

US Public Schools Civil Rights Data Analysis using Python

Star Wars Analytics using Python

Star Wars Analytics using Python

Cleaning, Enriching, Analyzing & Visualizing NYC High School Data using Python

Cleaning, Enriching, Analyzing & Visualizing NYC High School Data using Python

Visualizing The Gender Gap In College Degrees with Python

Visualizing The Gender Gap In College Degrees with Python

Analyzing Thanksgiving Dinner with Python

Analyzing Thanksgiving Dinner with Python

Analysis with Python: Exploring Gun Deaths in the US

Analysis with Python: Exploring Gun Deaths in the US

Visualizing with Python: Earnings Based On College Majors

Visualizing with Python: Earnings Based On College Majors

Drilling into Data with Oracle Data Integrator

Drilling into Data with Oracle Data Integrator

Reverse Engineer MapR-DB with ODI

Reverse Engineer MapR-DB with ODI

Hive, Partitions and Oracle Data Integrator

Hive, Partitions and Oracle Data Integrator

Oracle Data Integrator & MapR Converged Data Platform: CHECK!

Oracle Data Integrator & MapR Converged Data Platform: CHECK!

MapR-FS Real-Time Transactional Data Ingestion using Oracle GoldenGate

MapR-FS Real-Time Transactional Data Ingestion using Oracle GoldenGate

Moving Data Across Hadoop Clusters using Oracle Data Integrator

Moving Data Across Hadoop Clusters using Oracle Data Integrator

SEAMLESS Real-Time Data Streaming & Exploration with Oracle GoldenGate & Oracle Stream Analytics

SEAMLESS Real-Time Data Streaming & Exploration with Oracle GoldenGate & Oracle Stream Analytics

Streaming Transactional Data into MapR Streams using Oracle GoldenGate for Big Data

Streaming Transactional Data into MapR Streams using Oracle GoldenGate for Big Data

Oracle Metadata Management – Business Glossary

Oracle Metadata Management – Business Glossary

Data Governance for Data Integration

Data Governance for Data Integration

The Real Deal About Big Data

The Real Deal About Big Data

OEMM Lesson 3 – Stitching Metadata for Tracing Data Lineage & Impact

OEMM Lesson 3 – Stitching Metadata for Tracing Data Lineage & Impact

Big Data in Action: ODI and Twitter

Big Data in Action: ODI and Twitter

Oracle Harvesting IBM

Oracle Harvesting IBM

OEMM Lesson 2 – Creating Models and Harvesting Metadata

OEMM Lesson 2 – Creating Models and Harvesting Metadata

OEMM Lesson 1 – Get up and running

OEMM Lesson 1 – Get up and running

Harvesting the Cloud with Oracle Enterprise Metadata Management

Harvesting the Cloud with Oracle Enterprise Metadata Management

Big Data & Oracle Enterprise Metadata Management

Big Data & Oracle Enterprise Metadata Management

Oracle Enterprise Metadata Management

Oracle Enterprise Metadata Management